Saturday, December 3, 2011

Taekwondo and testing up.

The kids have been taking Taekwondo for the last couple of months.  Some of it is hard for them, some of it is quite fun.  They especially like the parts when they get to kick and punch each other.  Go figure.  Today they tested for their yellow belt.  All three got it.  Whew!  Even though I explained that if they didn't get it, it would be OK, they would for sure get it next time, you never want to see them crushed.  Well, they all did get it.  One step at a time.  Here are some pics from today's events.
Hunter and Megan working it during their test, before they were yellow belts.  They tested a couple of weeks ago for a yellow stripe, but this one was for the yellow belt itself. 
 Megan receives her yellow belt.
 Hunter receives his yellow belt.
Emilee receives her yellow belt.

Here they are, strutting their stuff, yellow belt and all.  Woo-Hoo kiddos, you all look great!

The next belt is a green one.  Most likely they will get a green stripe first, maybe even two.  The belts do get harder to get the more you learn.  I am proud of them though.  They look good out there and as I watch them do their stuff, I think, " Man, I don't think I could do half of that stuff."  Keep up the good work!